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Wild Mushroom Food Safety Certification - SOUTH CAROLINA - APR 5-6, 2025

Wild Mushroom Food Safety Certification - SOUTH CAROLINA - APR 5-6, 2025

Regular price $325.00
Regular price $325.00 Sale price $325.00
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This 5 year mushroom foraging permit meets the criteria required by the state health departments and formally approved for the foraging and selling of wild mushrooms in the following states: South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island. Signups will receive a study guide and slides 1 month ahead of the class.

Limited to 30 people, and no refunds will be available for this event. We might be able to move you to another class in case of emergency.

Where: Mushroom Mountain, 200 Finley Rd. Easley, SC 29642

Accommodations: Click Here

When: APRIL 5-6, 2025, 9am-5pm

Taught by Anne-Marie Bilella. Anne-Marie is the Farmer, the Baker and the Medicine-Maker at Bella Vista Farm in GA. She is skilled in herbal medicine, wild weeds, mushrooms and natural products made from herbs. Anne-Marie was self-taught in her herbal studies until 2014 when she completed a 10 month hands-on intensive herbal course with Patricia Kyritsi Howell of BotanoLogos School of Herbal Studies. She is certified as a Wild Mushroom Forager and Seller as well as an instructor for the Wild Mushroom Safety Course with Mushroom Mountain.

Currently, Anne-Marie creates her own herbal products with her Forager Chick line and teaches homesteaders about herbal medicine, medicinal mushrooms and wild plant identification. She is a homesteader, author and writer for her own blog and has written articles for other blogs, Aroma Culture Magazine and for Mother Earth News – Herbal Living blog.

According to state law, wild foraged mushrooms species must be individually inspected and found to be safe by an approved mushroom identification expert that: 

(A) Has met the requirements of knowledge and passed an exam and 

(B) Will harvest only those mushrooms species listed here:

General Schedule (subject to change)

Day 1:


Arrive and Registration


Permit Overview and Guideline, Exam Description Proper Handling, Storage, Packaging, Safety Regulations Ethics and Protecting Forests, Picking for Resale, State by State Guidelines, Deadly and Poisonous Toxins and Treatments


Mushroom Hunt and Collections


Lunch (not included in price, please bring your own), Photos for IDs


Gallery of Tested Species and Lookalikes. Dissections and Specimen Discussions, Fresh and Dried


Dissections and Specimen Discussions, Fresh and Dried


Review for Exam 1

Day 2:


Arrive and Exam 1


Gallery of Permitted Mushrooms Species and Features

11:00am-1:00 pm

Lunch Break & Review for Exam on your own, looping study slides


Final Exam


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