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Bluefoot - (L. sordida) Sawdust Spawn- 5lb

Bluefoot - (L. sordida) Sawdust Spawn- 5lb

Regular price $28.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00
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Also known as wood blewit, this type of Lepista is native to Europe. It has a fuzzy blue coloration at the base of its stem, therefore adopting the name Bluefoot. it is similar to the widely cultivated Blewit - Lepista nuda.  Beautiful purple-lilac caps. Spore print is white, this one can resemble a Cortinarius (spore print rusty orange) so take a spore prints and no problems! Appr. weight: 5 lb.

For detailed instructions on how to grow the silky bluefoot, please visit our blog: Growing Blewit Mushrooms in your Garden or on your Patio.


Edibility and Taste: Meaty and sweet with a silky texture.
Grows On: Hardwood leaf compost or composted livestock manure.
Fruiting Temps: Fruits after first freeze and during cold months (30-45F)
Availability: Year-Round


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