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Scaly Lentinus “Train Wrecker” - (Neolentinus lepideus) Plug Spawn

Scaly Lentinus “Train Wrecker” - (Neolentinus lepideus) Plug Spawn

Regular price $16.00
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The Scaly Lentinus, a large, tougher relative of the popular Shiitake, this one actually grows on conifer species, and has been found eating up old railroad ties soaked in creosote, making it a good mushroom to study for mycoremediation of chipped treated lumber, rendering it into a usable garden product, minimizing the toxic effects and keeping it out of the landfills and watershed. Our strain was isolated from fresh treated lumber with the barcode still attached! Also perfect for studies involving the degradation or tolerance to copper fungicides, copper arsenate, and other antimicrobial mechanisms. This strain can also possibly be used to compost Also this strain is great for composting conifer chips or inoculating a conifer clear cut after logging. Edible when young, but not when growing on media with heavy metals or following remediation. Great for stump recycling conifers for habitat renewal projects!

Edibility and taste: Meaty, Spicy (like Cinnamon) 
Grows on: Pine Stumps or buried logs 
Fruiting Temps: 65-80F 
Availability: Year-round

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